8th Grade Promotion Souvenir Sweatshirts Now on Sale!

Attention 8th grade families! We are excited to offer special 8th grade promotion souvenir sweatshirts just for our graduating class. You have the option to personalize the hoodie with your student's name—whether it’s their first name, last name, initials, or full name—on the back.

Order Deadline: The sale window closes on Sunday, November 24, 2024. A sample sweatshirt will be available for viewing in the Tyee Commons.

If you would like to purchase a sweatshirt but require financial assistance, please contact your student’s counselor, who can reach out to Tyee PTSA on your behalf. We’re here to support all students in celebrating this milestone.

For any questions, please email us at promotionparty@tyeeptsa.org. Thank you for your continued support!

Purchase Now: https://tyeeptsa.org/Packet/8thGradeHoodie/ProductsPacketPage/1